Our Mission

Adopt Poor Farmers and support them towards Sustainable Agricultural Development.

Our Approach: Visit Farmers to review their self-sustenance ideas, provide counselling and suggest suitable options. Rather than one time donation, we support the farmers until they become self-sustain.

Our Support Plan: Fund 90% for each Farmer’s self sustenance Idea and request the Farmer to contribute 10% to create responsibility.

Our Goal: Develop a working model to make Poor Farmers self-sustain. Involve in Policy advocation at District or State level that supports small farmers.

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Our Story

We have been seeing lot of farmer suicides in the news headlines and we thought “Can we do something to save Farmers”, which led us to Adopt-A-Farmer initiative.
  • We believe that coming up with a good action plan is lot more worth than one time monetary donations and that’s where we all need to come together to serve this noble initiative.
  • A small start, but so far we supported 188 farmer families, across two states, 60% of them self-sustained and earning Rs. 5000 monthly income.
  • We are building a Network of:
    • Small Farmers
    • NGOs
    • Rural Development Professionals
    • Enthusiastic Professionals and Volunteers

Next Steps…

  • LEAD – Livelihood Enhancement and Alternate (Livelihoods) Development Program to ensure every women farmer actively engages in a sustainable livelihood of her choice in order to ensure income security.
  • ADP: Agri-preneur Development Program to encourage, guide and support enterprising farmers to innovate and start an enterprise in Agri Ecosystem.
  • FaCE: Farmers’ Child Empowerment Program – Education, Skill Development, Employment and Counseling
  • CONNECT – Connecting farmer’s family to all the eligible Government and NGO programs
  • Scale and improve existing process to expand to other Villages, Mandals and Districts.
  • Work with local Organizations, Agricultural offices and Government

Donor Opportunities

We offer three levels of donor support to our farmers with the following benefits:

Please volunteer for farmer case studies, field trips, spread the word and impact a larger population.

Please Donate to help us achieve our goal of supporting 200+ farmers.